Travel Advisor

Advisor - Steph Hays

Steph Hays


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  • India,
  • South Korea,
  • Family Travel,
  • City Travel

Based in

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


I spent nearly 2 years traveling around the world with my husband and 3-year-old and love encouraging others to plan more adventures. Travel loves include street food, cities and public transportation.

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Travel style

You'll find me seeking out local experiences, be it an overnight train ride (my fav!), enlisting a local guide to introduce me to all the street food or resting my head in a small, unique hotel. But ultimately, I like a bit of everything and have tried it all.

Steph's travel guides & trip reports

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Steph's travel photos

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Steph's reviews

Stephanie is a great listener and communicator, so I was not surprised that the accommodations that she arranged for us would be a perfect fit for our family.

Stephanie's communication was flawless and everything about this booking went smoothly. We will definitely use her again.

Get in touch with Steph

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Steph within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Steph Hays

Travel Advisor

Steph Hays