Travel Advisor

Advisor - Lily Zenner

Lily Zenner


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  • Oregon,
  • California,
  • Costa Rica,
  • Mexico,
  • Spain,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Luxury

Based in

PDX the Rose City

Languages spoken

English, A little Spanish

Profile details


Pacific Northwest-based interior designer who is obsessed with collecting and creating new experiences in style!

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Travel style

My travel style is a mix of highbrow and lowbrow, which is pretty much what makes me, well, me! While I love the finer things and creature comforts, my core values center around the thrill of new experiences, learning and forging genuine connections with people. This philosophy comes to life the most while travelling (which is probably why I find it so fulfilling).

My process typically goes something like this: Beforehand, I'm meticulously researching the top local spots, but there's always a wildcard – I leave room to "freestyle," immersing myself in the local scene, seizing the day with spontaneous hangouts at the favorite watering holes of the locals. It's all about a carpe diem vibe! To strike the perfect balance, I ensure my home away from home is a unique, stylish and luxurious sanctuary – the ideal launchpad for all my travel escapades!

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Lily's reviews

Exceptional service! Lily described and was able to make personal recommendations as well as from family and friends. From someone that normally books my own travel, it was a pleasure to have an expert takeover.

Lily was a great help, she was super friendly and always there to help. I had a wonderful stay thanks to her! She really put my mind at ease when it came to hotel reservation. I would definitely want to get her help again. Thank you so much Lily!

Lily Zenner went above and beyond to make sure all my specific requests were met. She was very quick to respond (sometimes within 15 minutes) and also called the hotel staff to double check & make sure everything was set before I checked in. I am a very particular person and had a wonderful stay that would not have been possible without her.

Get in touch with Lily

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Lily within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

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Advisor - Lily Zenner

Travel Advisor

Lily Zenner