Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kim Peart

Kim Peart

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  • Caribbean,
  • Jamaica,
  • France,
  • Italy,
  • Spain,
  • Europe,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Romantic Getaways

Based in

New Jersey

Languages spoken

English and some Spanish

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


A Jamaican native and natural-born educator who fell in love with seeing the world.

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Travel style

I appreciate beautiful times and places. From discovering picturesque scenery, stunning architecture and hidden gems, I will say that I'm always open for more happy moments. Idyllic beaches with colorful coastlines naturally brighten my soul. Charming and quaint "old towns" transport me to a distant but special place. I desire authentic, cultural experiences that represent the arts, food and customs of the people. Wine tastings and food tours are a must, and maybe a cooking or dance class while I am at it [chuckle]!

I value the recommendations of local insiders, and choose accommodations that are known for quality service. For lodging type, boutique and luxury hotels are preferred, and if I am in a major city, staying central is ideal: much more to explore on foot. Lastly, to make the best of any destination, multiple city tours diversify the experience and provide a different representation. Overall, I seek out authentic, one-of-a-kind travels to make each one last a lifetime!

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Standing in the sea
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Kim's reviews

Kim listened to our needs and consulted with us to ensure that we chose the experience that best suited our personalities and the purpose of our visit. She was also very responsive. It was nice to just leave it all in her hands!

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You can normally expect a response from Kim within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Kim Peart

Travel Advisor

Kim Peart