Travel Advisor

Advisor - Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee

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  • Europe,
  • Local California Getaways,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • Food & Wine

Based in

Los Angeles, California

Profile details


Los Angeles based Texan navigating the world as a new mom, and adventure seeker. I'm a Junior Publicist in Entertainment and Fora Travel Advisor!

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Travel style

If it involves a plane, train, or automobile, you can count me in. I love exploring the world through food, drinks, and thrilling adventures. My biggest traveling tip is to not overlook sporting events, even if you wouldn't consider yourself a fan of the game or the local team. The energy of the fans is palpable and is a sure fire way to immerse yourself into a new culture. 

I love a "loose" itinerary that allows for flexibility but is research backed so I don't miss out on any of the must do's! I'm also a firm believer that locals know best!

Jennifer 's travel guides & trip reports

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Jennifer 's reviews

Being someone who doesn’t travel a lot, I don’t always know if I’m getting the best deals or making the best choices but with Jen, she took all that stress and anxiety off my plate and it was the best choice I could have made! I loved how easy it was to just tell her some things I was looking for and really appreciated how many options she was able to find within less than a day of my inquiry. I loved that I didn’t have to deal with booking anything myself and it felt especially personalized because not only did she find us lodging for our weekend but she considered all the plans that we had and found options that made our specific day to day itinerary easier in terms of travel distance during the trip and other preferences. I would highly recommend Jen to anyone looking for travel help and will definitely be looking to Jen for all my future adventures!

Working with Jennifer was fantastic. She was very attentive to what I wanted, and made sure I got it all. She was able to give options so that I could choose what best fit my needs.

Jennifer made sure to book in the best area! Close to everything and was extremely thorough! <3

Get in touch with Jennifer

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Jennifer within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Jennifer Lee

Travel Advisor

Jennifer Lee