Travel Advisor

Advisor - Ashley Bowman

Ashley Bowman



  • Italy,
  • Europe,
  • Food & Wine,
  • Arts & Culture

Based in

NYC Metro Area

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


A thoughtful, value-driven jetsetter with a passion for wine, culture and meaningful human connections

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Travel style

You'll often find me immersing myself in a new language, savoring diverse cuisines and indulging in the world of wines. My travel style is all about curating authentic, immersive and value-driven experiences. Whether it's exploring a vineyard in Piemonte, Italy, or exploring vibrant restaurants in Cartagena, Colombia, I'm always on a cultural and culinary adventure. Last but not least, I'm a value maximizer and I bring this same dedication to my travel planning as I do to my full-time job as a solution engineer in the tech world. I understand that value means different things to each traveler. It brings me joy to tailor each journey to cater to the unique desires and expectations of my clients, ensuring they get the most out of their travel experiences.

Favorite hotels

Ashley's travel photos

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A street with colorful flags up and a fruit vendor.
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Get in touch with Ashley

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You can normally expect a response from Ashley within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Ashley Bowman

Travel Advisor

Ashley Bowman