Announcing Fora’s Book Better Series: Planning Travel That's Better for the World

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Fora Author Fora

The Modern Travel Agency


  • LGBTQ+ Travel

  • Accessible Travel

  • Sustainable Travel

Planning travel is one thing, but planning better travel — that makes a positive impact and boosts business — is entirely another. This is the type of travel that we, at Fora HQ and throughout our global community, want to celebrate and promote.

This month, we’re thrilled to announce Book Better, an advocacy-focused training program & roundtable series. Book Better is designed to empower and equip Fora Advisors with the knowledge & skills to plan travel that’s better for the world. Led by a team of industry partners — including thought leaders and community experts — as well as in-house specialists, our program puts inclusive, purposeful and ethical tourism center-stage. 

Fora Advisors Judy & Glenn Tudor

Book Better is centered on inclusive and sustainable travel topics, and is designed to deliver tools & resources while also promoting meaningful discussion. And, as always, our advisors are in the driver’s seat for these conversions.

The Book Better program kicks off on April 27 with the first topic series: accessible travel. The series will begin with a workshop for Fora Advisors on the business case for accessible travel (including how it can boost sales, level-up trips and benefit the industry as a whole), led by Fora Advisors Judy Tudor and Karen Morales. There is a three-pronged approach to Judy & Karen’s session, tethered to a focus of advocacy through business development. Following the session, we’ll produce roundtable discussions with Fora’s suppliers and partners, looking toward data to showcase the growing demographic of travelers who prioritize ethical and sustainable choices. Finally, we’ll bring these conversations full-circle, returning to our advisors to share insights from our supplier-facing conversations.

We’re excited to hold space for these conversations and improve, as a community, together. 

Other topics will include: 

Fora makes it easy to transform your passion for travel into meaningful revenue. Sign up to become a travel advisor today.


Author - Fora

We’re a modern travel agency with a twist – one that is thoughtfully designed, proactively inclusive, tech-driven and well, cool. Learn more about us.