Travel Advisor

Advisor - Tarrant Togia'i

Tarrant Togia'i

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  • O'ahu,
  • Disneyland,
  • Family Travel,
  • Arts & Culture

Based in

O'ahu, HI

Languages spoken


Profile details


It's a good thing I love to plan travel because the bucket list of places to see and hotels to stay continues to grow.

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Travel style

Former luxury hotelier currently enjoying being the one checking-in to places. The perfect holiday includes learning about the local culture, seeing nature in all its glory and some family downtime at the resort with a Moscow Mule in hand.

Tarrant 's travel guides & trip reports

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Tarrant 's travel photos

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mountains view gazing from hotel
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Tarrant 's reviews

Tarrant is so patient and looks to secure you have the most comfortable trip as well as travel to and fro

The process of finding the right accommodation was very easy when working with Tarrant. I feel as though we were able to communicate what we wanted, and he made it happen! He took all of our preferences into account and presented us with options based on budget, breakfast, location, and amenities.

Get in touch with Tarrant

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You can normally expect a response from Tarrant within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Tarrant Togia'i

Travel Advisor

Tarrant Togia'i