Travel Advisor

Advisor - Shannon Zelek

Shannon Zelek


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  • Chicago,
  • Nashville,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Road Trip

Based in

Boston, MA

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Illinois-raised and now Boston-based: mostly a solo traveler who enjoys using her PTO to explore new places and meet up with family across the United States.

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Travel style

My average travel is an attempt to make the most of a single trip because I may never be back! This means long days and early nights to beat the heat and the crowds whenever possible. You likely won't find me on a beach. Instead, I'll be exploring the historic town, eating local desserts and probably catching a game to root for the hometown team. Oh, and I'm always on the hunt for the best ice cream a city has to offer.

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You can normally expect a response from Shannon within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Shannon Zelek

Travel Advisor

Shannon Zelek