Travel Advisor

Advisor - Sara Maupin

Sara Maupin


  • United States (US National Parks and Mountainous Regions),
  • East Coast Beaches,
  • Major US Cities (Chicago,
  • NYC etc) Greece,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • Luxury Travel

Based in


Languages spoken

French (elementary level)

Profile details


I am an organized and detail-oriented attorney with a deep love for experiencing what the world has to offer and adventures of all kinds. Based in Northwest Arkansas right now, but a true nomad at heart.

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Travel style

I am an ADHD traveler - meaning I have an open mind and a vast set experiences when it comes to travel. My personal trips range from horseback riding adventures across the plains of the US, backpacking and hiking through mountainous/lowland regions to luxe international travel and relaxing by the beach.

Favorite hotels

Sara 's travel photos

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Get in touch with Sara

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You can normally expect a response from Sara within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Sara Maupin

Travel Advisor

Sara Maupin