Travel Advisor

Advisor - Sandy Ballard

Sandy Ballard


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  • USA,
  • Europe,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Adventure Travel

Based in

White Mountains of Arizona

Languages spoken


Profile details


Arizona mom that understands the benefits of a great trip with and without the family.

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Travel style

I embrace a travel style that combines the thrill of exploration with a mindful approach to budgeting. My adventures are characterized by a desire to savor the complete essence of each destination while being mindful of expenses. I relish the challenge of discovering cost-effective accommodations and hidden gems that allow you to experience the authenticity of a place. Whether it's immersing yourself in the vibrant street markets, engaging with locals or opting for budget-friendly transportation, my goal is to extract the most value from every travel opportunity without compromising the richness of the experience. This approach not only enables you to stretch your budget but also enhances your connection with the culture, making sure that each journey is not just affordable but profoundly memorable.

Favorite hotels

Sandy's travel photos

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Sandy taking a selfie in front of grass and a mountain
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You can normally expect a response from Sandy within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Sandy Ballard

Travel Advisor

Sandy Ballard