Travel Advisor

Advisor - Román Iglesias

Román Iglesias

Fora - Logo


  • Argentina,
  • Buenos Aires,
  • Europe,
  • Baltics,
  • New Zealand,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Wine & Food Experiences

Based in

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Languages spoken

English, Spanish

Profile details


Tourism and Hospitality Degree. Sports Journalist Degree (and fan). Wine & food lover. Team Winter. Family first and happiness above all.

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Travel style

Argentina to the world. Buenos Aires as my born place. 51 countries visited and still counting. There is always a hidden jewl to discover, learn and enjoy. Boutique and luxe explorer.

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Román's reviews

Nos encontró un hotel que cumplía con todas nuestras expectativas. En un tiempo récord. Siempre al pendiente.

Una gran ayuda. Nos encontró una opción en la cual todos estuvimos contentos.

Excelente servicio

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Advisor - Román Iglesias

Travel Advisor

Román Iglesias