Travel Advisor

Advisor - Mollie O'Connor

Mollie O'Connor


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  • New York City,
  • Caribbean,
  • France,
  • Europe,
  • Family Travel,
  • Group Travel

Based in

New Jersey

Languages spoken

English, French

Profile details


I've worked in client services for years and I absolutely love to match people with destinations, properties and experiences that fit their needs and style. Former NYer who loves destination research and finding hidden gems and authentic one-of-a-kind experiences. Weaknesses include great coffee shops, design-y hotels and restaurants and French pharmacies.

Travel style

I'm as comfortable with off-the-beaten-path adventure travel as I am at a luxury, beachfront all-inclusive. I think there is a time and place for every trip: it's all about matching the itinerary to the traveler(s) in that moment in time. I love a good value, but not at the expense of quality. I'm planned and organized, but always leave plenty of room for spontaneity and adventure. I always tap into my network for insider tips and feedback and love sharing my own insights with others.

Mollie's travel guides & trip reports

Favorite hotels

Mollie's reviews

Mollie always books the nicest places.

Mollie went above and beyond to ensure our stay was exceptional. She checked on our accommodations before we arrived. She was more than willing to make restaurant reservations and/or tours within the region. Outstanding service! Thank you Mollie.

Mollie went above and beyond expectations by ensuring our booking ahead of arrival and surprising us with a welcoming gift. Mollie helped us with all our tours, highly recommend Montserrat/Cava tour she booked for us. Her knowledge of Spain was such a great help. Thank you Mollie.

I was stranded at Dulles Airport and Mollie helped me quickly find an available hotel ASAP. Super fast service and support.

Get in touch with Mollie

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Mollie within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Mollie O'Connor

Travel Advisor

Mollie O'Connor

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