Travel Advisor

Advisor - Miriam Lee

Miriam Lee


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  • Mexico,
  • Greece,
  • Budget Travel,
  • Sustainable Travel,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • Boutique Travel

Based in

Wherever my phone is

Languages spoken

Spanish, French, German

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


A digital nomad citizen of the world that that works on travel engine optimization.

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Travel style

There is only so much time, energy and resources to discover it all. I try to make the best and most out of every experience. I am passionate about travel, it encompasses many things I love such as people, history, music, food, ecology, urbanization and languages. I have traveled with friends, family and a lot of times on my own. I know that many times things are not as you expect them to be, and especially things will go wrong. Sharing and teaching others to be ready for this and that it’s ok, will be my priority, so that anyone can travel.

The practicality: I’m a native digital nomad. I have a career in software engineering, so I find myself the time and place to get online and do whatever job needs to be done. I can book online, schedule itineraries, do spreadsheets or slides from any device I have on hand. There are no limitations. I am very flexible and versatile in adapting to new places, means of transportation, payment systems. Every new city, airline or metro system is a great challenge for me to solve.

After years of having a 9-5 job with sporadic travels around the year, I realized that all I can think about is travel! Whether it’s for me or others.

Miriam 's travel guides & trip reports

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Get in touch with Miriam

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You can normally expect a response from Miriam within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Miriam Lee

Travel Advisor

Miriam Lee