Travel Advisor

Advisor - Maria Aguda

Maria Aguda

Fora - Logo


  • Italy,
  • Philippines,
  • Nature Escapes,
  • Couples Travel

Based in

Miami, Florida

Languages spoken

English, Spanish, Tagalog

Profile details


An Oncology Nurse with a love for outdoor adventures, exploration and cultural learning who's life goal is to visit all USA National Parks and States with her husband and travel as much as possible.

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Travel style

My travels include a mix of adventure, culture and culinary. You can find me hiking through Glacier National Park in Montana, visiting the Doge's Palace in Venice, Italy or having Yakitori in Tokyo, Japan. I love searching for unique and aesthetically pleasing places to visit. I find myself always looking for those hidden gems to discover (a secret rooftop in Venice, Italy with a view of the Grand Canal, perhaps?).

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Hiking on a snow covered trail
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Maria's reviews

She is very helpful and always ready to help! The trip was amazing!

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Advisor - Maria Aguda

Travel Advisor

Maria Aguda