Travel Advisor

Advisor - Lizneth Garcia

Lizneth Garcia


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  • Europe,
  • Barcelona,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • Boutique Travel

Based in

Tampa, Florida

Languages spoken

English and Spanish

Profile details


A Tampa Bay native with a Bachelor’s in International Business wanting to travel full-time.

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Travel style

Former Barcelona study abroad student that booked weekend trips all around Europe. Taking short trips was my expertise, but now I’m always looking for the best meal when I’m out traveling. I am gluten and dairy free so I’m always searching for the most delicious place that offers my dietary restrictions. Love architecture, obsessed with mountains and ocean views. Since I live in Florida where it’s flat I don’t get to see many mountains, so I take as many pictures as I can get of them. There is no budget when you’re traveling so I know the importance of booking cheap to spend money on food and adventure.

Favorite hotels

Lizneth's travel photos

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Travel advisor standing with a man with mountains at the back.
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Lizneth's reviews

Lizneth is amazing and super attentive! She listened to everything I needed and help me make my stay at Geneva, Switzerland super easy! She gave me a lot of tips and tricks for traveling around the city!

Lizneth was amazing as always. Her recommendations are always top notch.

Awesome choice this was very lovely and beautiful. Thank you.

Very good experience and she was very helpful. I would book with her again.

Get in touch with Lizneth

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You can normally expect a response from Lizneth within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Lizneth Garcia

Travel Advisor

Lizneth Garcia