Travel Advisor

Advisor - Lauren Hirchak

Lauren Hirchak



  • Savannah Ga,
  • NYC,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Road Trip

Based in

The Land of The Peaches and Home of The Braves

Languages spoken

English, but I hope to learn another language soon!

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Lover of music, sunsets, dancing, the ocean, and of course, traveling. I was born and raised for half of my life in New York, and then later moved to sunny Savannah, Ga with my family and I've been here ever since. Traveling has been a passion of mine for as long as I could remember, from taking little trips by train to NYC when I was a child to taking a solo trip to Europe as an adult. I love the feeling of immersing myself in a different place and culture, meeting new people, eating different types of food, seeing different types of architecture and landscapes. I see the world through a different perspective each time I travel.

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Travel style

Ultimately, I am the type of traveler who enjoys a little bit of everything. I'm like a chameleon; when I travel, I'll go on an adventure, I'll relax by a gorgeous pool, I'll stroll around the city and window shop. I like to fully immerse myself in whichever place I end up. I have a love for experiencing new places, new people, new food, and new things to do. One thing that's for sure, you can find me where the good food and drinks reside. Whether it is a nicely prepared gourmet meal at a luxurious restaurant, or a delicious home-style cooked meal in a little shack.

Favorite hotels

Lauren's travel photos

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Get in touch with Lauren

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You can normally expect a response from Lauren within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Lauren Hirchak

Travel Advisor

Lauren Hirchak