Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kyle Martin

Kyle Martin

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  • Ireland,
  • Western Europe,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Road Trip

Based in

Lancaster, PA

Profile details


A points and miles enthusiast who researches literally anything and everything.

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Travel style

I prefer to return from my vacation needing another vacation. In other words, I love to see and do as much as I can, while immersing myself in the local area. This very often leads me to a car rental kiosk to hit the open road on my own time. Desiring to mix typical sightseeing and experiences with local hidden gems, I take the time for meticulous research. I seek the enjoyment of food and drink at local establishments and also always plan a visit (or two) to neighborhood cafés. My personal trips are always fueled by points, miles and budget-friendly maneuvering and hacks to maximize the experience. As my friends will tell you, “Vacation Kyle,” is the best version of himself, and I wish that for all that embark on new adventures.

Favorite hotels

Kyle's travel photos

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A beautiful view of beach at sunset
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Get in touch with Kyle

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You can normally expect a response from Kyle within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Kyle Martin

Travel Advisor

Kyle Martin