Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kaithleen Apostol

Kaithleen Apostol


Fora - Logo


  • California,
  • Philippines,
  • Europe,
  • Food & Cultural Immersion,
  • Solo Travel,
  • City Travel

Based in

San Francisco Bay Area

Languages spoken

English, Filipino/Tagalog

Profile details


A California-based wandering soul who always has her next trip on her mind.

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Travel style

I'm all about immersing myself in the local culture when traveling. Whether I am on a walking tour exploring iconic landmarks, taking a cooking class to learn how to make a classic dish, or stuffing my face with delicacies, my goal when I'm on a trip is to truly embrace the culture and destination.

Favorite hotels

Kaithleen 's travel photos

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Get in touch with Kaithleen

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Advisor - Kaithleen Apostol

Travel Advisor

Kaithleen Apostol