Travel Advisor

Advisor - Jensen Moors

Jensen Moors


  • Cruise,
  • Family Travel,
  • United Kingdom,
  • France,
  • Germany,
  • Bahamas/Caribbean

Based in

Delray Beach

Languages spoken

English, German

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Jensen is an Army Veteran who spent 23 years overseas, has a background in cruising and has traveled all over Europe. Jensen runs his own pet business alongside being a travel advisor. He knows what it takes to make dreams come true.

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Travel style

I love to go on a cruise. It's a hotel on the water. When you wake up, you are in a new city, you can see new things without having to pack your bags. When Jensen is not cruising, he loves to relax in the woods in Maine at his family camp on Tacoma Lake. With family and friends, we plan weekend trips to Disney when we know our schedules are free and the weather will be wonderful. Who doesn’t like a quick get away to Disney if they can?

Planning a trip to Europe is the best thing you can do. Jensen tries to do this once a year with his wife. They will pick a place like London to stay a few days before hoping on a cruise for 2 weeks and enjoy the time going to see new places. Even return to places they have been to. Jensen and his wife have been to London 3 times so far. They were there when the Queen passed away and during her wake saw all the people standing waiting to give their respects to the Queen. It was a lifetime experience. Doing high tea in London is the best thing you can do in London. Seeing Back to the Future Show is also a show Jensen will recommend seeing if you have a chance to see a show while in London. Jensen has seen quite a lot of Europe living there for 23 years. He still loves going back.

But he still loves the Caribbean and Bahamas for a nice weekend cruise or 7 day cruise if he cant get away for a long time. Going on NCL or Royal ships for the weekend and going to their island or just staying on their ship and relaxing. Going to the spa enjoying the pools and shows. To wind down and relax for a few days. Jensen and Adina enjoy doing this every few months.

Jensen's travel guides & trip reports

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Jensen's travel photos

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Plaque featuring the Queen of England at Harrods
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Advisor - Jensen Moors

Travel Advisor

Jensen Moors