Travel Advisor

Advisor - Georgia Bari

Georgia Bari



  • Puglia,
  • Japan,
  • Beaches,
  • Couples Travel

Based in

São Paulo

Languages spoken

Portuguese, English, little bit of German

Profile details


Always looking for the next adventure outside the obvious. I love the unfamiliar and owning only what I can carry.

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Travel style

Always have been a planning girl. I love to explore the city months in advance to know everything I will explore arriving there. To walk at least 20,000 steps a day is my favorite type of travel, knowing I saw everything I could and more. Love going to places I don't know, combining with places that already own a part of my heart. You can find me beginning my day with a city jog and then looking for the best bites and shops in town, ending the trip with a beach somewhere. There is nothing better that a good hotel bed and shower.

Favorite hotels

Georgia 's travel photos

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Advisor - Georgia Bari

Travel Advisor

Georgia Bari