Travel Advisor

Advisor - Devi Krishnan

Devi Krishnan


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  • Family Travel,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Outdoors,
  • Nature Escapes,
  • Road Trips

Based in

Los Altos, CA

Profile details


A California-based mom who loves nature, adventures, boutique hotels and exploring culture and food from around the world. 

Travel style

I am passionate about exploration and immersive travel, focusing on unique local experiences, food, culture and time in nature.  I love boutique hotels with great design and a local flavor.  I enjoy planning travel that is tailored to YOU and having you live your best trip!

Favorite hotels

Devi's reviews

Devi is intelligent, a super organizer and so fun to work with. I can't wait to plan more trips with her. Thank you!

Devi is an absolutely stellar travel advisor, she created an excellent plan for us that included all the must-sees in three cities in Europe. She worked with me to include activities that would be suitable for my family, she was very organized, presented her ideas and then we discussed everything, once we were in agreement, she made bookings for me. She was so patient, when we had a last minute date change she calmly helped me cancel and re-book things. I felt so confident with her by my side, she gave me the courage to take our first Europe trip as a family. We had a wonderful time, and will definitely be using her services again. Devi is very knowledgeable, organized, cost-conscious and a true travel-buff, highly recommend her!

Get in touch with Devi

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Devi within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Devi Krishnan

Travel Advisor

Devi Krishnan