Travel Advisor

Advisor - Deirdre Schwiring

Deirdre Schwiring


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  • France,
  • Spain/Portugal,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Boutique Travel

Based in

New York City

Profile details


Champagne taste on a prosecco budget. Always seeking high quality before it gets too cool. Educator by day to fuel my love of adventure and seeing the world. NYC-based.

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Travel style

My travels are champagne taste on a prosecco budget. My goal is to find luxury experiences at an affordable price! My trips are a mix of food and cultural fun. Live like a local experiences! I have a hunger for delicious food and unique wine.

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Deirdre 's travel photos

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Deirdre 's reviews

Deirdre made everything easy and listened to everything I was wanting in a vacation. Her recommendations were stellar and I loved every part of my trip.

Deidre ensured every step of this trip was carefully considered. She arranged for fresh local fruit and chocolates in my room upon arrival and arranged for an €85 credit for the property. She also selected a perfect balance of wine tasting and tourism throughout the stay. From stunning chateaus, to cave tours, to curated meals — we experienced the best of the best. Without her expertise of the region, we would have been lost! I’ve already contacted her about our next trip!

Deirdre was fabulous. She thought of every detail and made wonderful recommendations for my trip. Can't wait to work with her again. Her knowledge and professionalism is top notch!

Deirdre was the perfect travel adviser for this trip. She took care of everything and made our experience flawless. She would respond immediately. Cannot wait to book with her again for our next vacation (which is already in the works!).

Get in touch with Deirdre

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Deirdre within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Deirdre Schwiring

Travel Advisor

Deirdre Schwiring