Travel Advisor

Advisor - Dalila Calabrese

Dalila Calabrese


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  • Italy,
  • USA,
  • China,
  • Australia,
  • Luxury,
  • Family Travel

Based in

Naples, Italy

Languages spoken

English, Italian, Spanish

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Naples-born and London-bred, I design amazing journeys for incredible people.

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Travel style

I work with HNWI to create unforgettable, high-end luxury journeys that are unique to each client. I specialize in luxury travel with a personal expertise on traveling with children, as I have three kids myself who have travelled the world extensively with us.

I'm a traveler myself and I tend to suggest places and things I've tried and experienced first hand, so I'm sure my clients get the best of the best.

Dalila's travel guides & trip reports

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Dalila's reviews

Dalila was great amazingly responsive and caring!

La mejor asistente de viaje. Pendiente en todo momento de nuestras necesidades antes y durante las vacaciones. Ha sabido encontrar los sitios perfectos para nosotros en función de nuestros gustos y actividades. Repetiremos con ella sin duda.

Gentile , disponibile e professionale

Kind, helpful, and professional

Excellent communication, follow up and ideas!

Get in touch with Dalila

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Dalila within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Dalila Calabrese

Travel Advisor

Dalila Calabrese