Travel Advisor

Advisor - Christopher Benbow

Christopher Benbow

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  • London,
  • Paris,
  • Montreal,
  • City Travel,
  • Food & Wine

Based in

Princeton, NJ

Profile details


I squeeze every second out of quick long weekend trips, whether jumping to a new city in Europe or finding new activities state side, usually eating my way through whichever location I've found myself.

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Travel style

I prefer frequent trips that tend to be on the shorter side, so I often find myself in cities where I stay busy. I'm not averse to a few days on a beach, but more often I'm in a city doing both the touristy necessities and more local activities or small tours to be more immersed in the culture. Finally, there's the food which is often the focal point of my daily itineraries. Reservations are made in advance and much time and energy is spent on researching restaurants and markets and local cuisine.

Favorite hotels

Get in touch with Christopher

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You can normally expect a response from Christopher within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Christopher Benbow

Travel Advisor

Christopher Benbow