Travel Advisor

Advisor - Blaire Stroemple

Blaire Stroemple


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  • Adventure Travel,
  • Family Travel,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Off-the-Beaten Path Travel

Based in

Daytona Beach and New Orleans (bicoastal!)

Languages spoken

English, Some Italian and French

Profile details


An art-loving creative who relives her past travels by booking new trips for fabulous clients!

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Travel style

You can find me painting the morning away while daydreaming about art-based excursions where the espresso sparks my museum curiosity. I have a degree in Art History from Louisiana State University and over a decade of international art history travel. Even though international travel is my personal favorite, I still love to explore the United States, especially since I have a toddler who has taught me loads about traveling domestically for a bit!

Favorite hotels

Blaire's travel photos

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Visiting The Seven Churches of Santo Stefano
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Get in touch with Blaire

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You can normally expect a response from Blaire within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Blaire Stroemple

Travel Advisor

Blaire Stroemple