Travel Advisor

Advisor - Alayna Kos

Alayna Kos


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  • Greece,
  • Off-the-Beaten-Path,
  • Digital Nomad Travel

Based in

Orange County, California

Languages spoken


Profile details


I’m Alayna, originally from Orange County, California and now traveling the globe. After being bitten by the travel bug in 2021 during my first trip to Greece, I decided I wanted to see the world. Now, I'm helping others go on life-changing trips!

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Travel style

I travel to Greece every year because I fell in love with the country on my first trip there in 2021. I can't get enough! I've been to 27 Greek Islands and counting, in addition to many regions and locations on the Greek mainland. I love going out of my way to find hidden gems while learning about the incredible history of the country. I have come to know so much about Greece through my immersive travels, and I'd love to guide you through your own unique Mamma Mia adventure!

Favorite hotels

Alayna's travel photos

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Alayna with her arms in the air standing on one foot in front of a small white building under sunny skies
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Get in touch with Alayna

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You can normally expect a response from Alayna within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Alayna Kos

Travel Advisor

Alayna Kos