Everything You Need to Know about a Fora Travel Advisor Salary (and How Our Advisors Get Paid)

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The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel

    At Fora, we're all about empowering you to build a business you love, whether that's a full-time career, a retirement passion project, a side hustle or something else entirely. As a Fora Advisor, you get to call the shots.

    And, let's be frank: part of building any business involves thinking about money. People often ask, what's a typical Fora travel advisor salary? How much do travel agents make in general? How do Fora Advisors get paid? All great questions. Below, we break it down for you. Read on for a clear-eyed guide to what a travel advisor salary could look like, and how payments at Fora actually work (and why we do them better).

    Interested in joining us? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor today.

    What is a Fora travel advisor salary?

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median travel agent salary in May 2022 was $46,400, which comes to about $22.31 per hour for a 40-hour workweek (learn more about how to become a travel agent). Fora has an ever-growing community of pro advisors, meaning they've exceeded a certain sales threshold. And we also have a few full-time warriors who have booked over seven figures in travel year-to-date. And many Fora Advisors focus on booking for close family and friends. The point is, there's no typical travel advisor salary, or even an "ideal" travel advisor salary, at Fora. You do you.

    Unlike some other agencies, Fora does not require sales quotas to stay on board. (The only exception to this is with Fora X, our invite-only network for our highest sellers.) You can work as much or as little as you'd like, all on your own schedule.

    The more travel you sell, the more money you earn. Travel advisors' main source of income is commissions. When an advisor books a hotel, or tour, or cruise (read more about the types of bookings Fora Advisors can make), that hotel, or tour, or cruise gives the advisor a cut of the booking value. The percentage varies by partner (and many of Fora's exclusive partnerships ensure our advisors receive a higher-than-average commission rate). Then Fora takes a share of that commission. After you sell more than $300,000 in travel, however, you keep a larger percentage: the more you sell, the more you earn, the more you keep.

    How do Fora Advisors get paid?

    Payments in the travel industry are notoriously slow, and, unfortunately, many travel agents are left chasing down commission payments indefinitely. (Read more about how travel agents get paid.) Well, that model doesn't work for us. At Fora, you don't have to worry about invoicing a hotel, or chasing down commissions. We take care of all that.

    Thanks to Fora's integrated booking platform, you can make bookings with, quite literally, the click of a button. (Read more about the Vault, our solution to secure and seamless client credit card storage.) All of your bookings are then automatically stored in Portal, your all-in-one travel advisor platform. We then calculate the commission you're owed, and keep you abreast of upcoming, pending and completed payments. Once a client has completed their trip, we work to send you your money asap — no follow-up, back-and-forth or logistical stress required. (In many instances, we'll pay you before we get paid.) In other words, we've got your back, so you get to focus on the fun stuff.

    Interested in joining us? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor today.

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