Exploring the Power of Travel: Enriching Our Lives and Communities

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Advisor - Marc Scholnick
Curated By

Marc Scholnick

  • Adventure Travel

  • Arts & Culture

  • Nature Escapes

  • Off-the-Beaten-Path Travel

  • Safari

  • Sustainable Travel

  • History

  • Local Culture

  • Sightseeing

The wing of an airplane in the sky, above the clouds with golden rays of the sun shining through.
Curator’s statement

Traveling can excite our senses and touch our hearts in ways nothing else can. The joy of discovering new places, cultures and experiences is unparalleled. This thrill intensifies when we visit some of the world’s most famous sites, where history, nature and human creativity come together in perfect harmony. Traveling not only benefits the individual traveler, but also enriches our local communities and has a profoundly positive impact on children.

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Things to do

A point of view perspective from a wooden canoe-style boat on a turquoise river, revealing a sight of glorious mountains ahead.

The Excitement of Adventure

Traveling lets us leave our everyday lives and try new things. The excitement of what’s to come fills us with curiosity and energy. Imagine stepping into the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The dense canopy, the sounds of exotic wildlife and the sheer scale of this natural wonder fill you with awe and excitement. The thrill of exploring one of the world’s most biodiverse regions makes you feel part of something immense and timeless.

The Serengeti in Tanzania during the Great Migration is also one of nature's great wonders. The ground shakes under the running wildebeest, and the air is alive with the sounds of nature’s greatest show. The thrill of seeing one of the most dramatic wildlife events on Earth makes you feel part of something big and timeless.

The Majesty of Nature

Nature’s wonders can take our breath away. Standing at the edge of Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil, the unmatched power and beauty of the cascading water fills you with awe. The sight and sound of millions of gallons of water tumbling over the Fall's cliffs, remind you of Earth’s raw power and beauty.

The Mediterranean coast also offers stunning natural sights. Exploring the rugged beauty of Crete's Samaria Gorge in Greece can be both thrilling and serene. Hiking through this ancient landscape, with its dramatic cliffs and rare wildlife, provides a deep sense of connection to nature.

The Echoes of History

The thrill of travel is not just about natural wonders; it’s also about stepping into history. Walking through the ancient streets of Athens, you can almost hear the echoes of philosophers in the Agora and the debates in the ancient Assembly. The history here is alive, and every stone and ruin tells a story. Touching history and standing where ancient people once stood creates a deep sense of connection and excitement.

Visiting the pyramids in Egypt is another such experience. As you stand before these huge structures, you are amazed by their size and the skill of the ancient civilization that built them. The desert heat, the sight of the Sphinx and the pyramids' perfect alignment with the stars all add to a sense of wonder and respect. The thrill comes from imagining the effort and mystery behind these ancient wonders.

Modern Wonders

The excitement of travel is also found in modern wonders. The skyline of Dubai, with its futuristic buildings and world-record skyscrapers, shows human creativity at its best. Standing atop the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, you get a dizzying view of the city below. The feeling of being on top of the world fills you with awe and excitement.

In contrast, the bustling energy of São Paulo in Brazil offers a different kind of thrill. Exploring its vibrant neighborhoods, with their mix of modern architecture and historic buildings, provides a perfect blend of urban excitement and cultural depth.

Experiencing Different Cultures

Travel also thrills us by immersing ourselves in different cultures. The busy markets of Marrakech, with their bright colors, delicious smells and lively sounds offer a sensory feast. Negotiating prices, tasting exotic foods and watching local artisans at work create an exciting and engaging experience.

In Italy, the cultural richness of cities like Florence and Rome provides endless opportunities for discovery. Experiencing the art, cuisine and traditions of these ancient cities offers a deep sense of cultural appreciation and excitement.

The Personal Journey

The thrill of travel is deeply personal. It’s about pushing your limits, discovering new parts of yourself and creating memories that last a lifetime. Each destination, whether it’s the busy streets of Barcelona, the serene beaches of the Amalfi Coast or the historic lanes of Lisbon, offers a unique thrill and a chance to see the world in a new way.

Enriching Lives, Especially for Kids

Travel not only enriches the lives of those who travel but also brings significant benefits to our local communities, especially children. Kids of all ages gain a broader perspective and valuable insights when the adults around them share stories and experiences from their travels. These shared experiences help kids learn about different cultures, history and the beauty of nature. Additionally, when children travel with parents, groups, or schools, they benefit directly from firsthand experiences.

Whether it's exploring the ancient ruins of Greece, walking through vibrant markets in Marrakech, or witnessing the stunning wildlife in the Serengeti, these experiences can be transformative. They help children develop a sense of curiosity, adaptability and appreciation for the diversity of the world. By immersing themselves in different environments and cultures, kids learn valuable life skills and build memories that will last a lifetime.


Travel is a powerful, exciting experience that goes beyond just seeing new places. It’s about feeling the energy of new destinations, connecting with history, nature, cultures and embracing the unknown. Travel enriches the lives of travelers and communities alike, bringing new perspectives and opportunities for learning. As you embark on your next adventure, remember that your travels can make a lasting impact on you, your community and especially the children who look up to you. Together, we can explore the world and make a difference

Places to eat & drink

A row of classy wine bottles lined up on a restaurant's shelf, illuminated by intimate lighting.

If you happen to be in these fabulous regions.....

Central in Lima takes diners on a culinary journey through Peru’s diverse ecosystems.

  • Africa:

The Test Kitchen (Cape Town, South Africa)

Located in Cape Town’s trendy Woodstock district.

  • Mediterranean Europe:

Osteria Francescana (Modena, Italy)

Need to know

In my humble opinion, here are 20 of the most important things to do before an international trip:

Check Passport Validity
Obtain Necessary Visas
Research Travel Advisories
Get Travel Vaccinations
Purchase Travel Insurance
Book Flights and Accommodation
Create a Travel Itinerary
Make Copies of Important Documents
Notify Bank and Credit Card Companies
Exchange Currency
Arrange Airport Transportation
Pack Appropriate Clothing
Prepare a First Aid Kit
Download Travel Apps
Set Up International Phone Plan
Arrange for Pet Care or House Sitting
Secure Travel Gadgets and Adapters
Prepare Snacks and Entertainment for Travel
Learn Basic Phrases in Local Language
Set Up an Out-of-Office Email Response

Advisor - Marc Scholnick

Travel Advisor

Marc Scholnick

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