India: 40 Essential Tips for Your First Journey to the Heart of Diversity

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Advisor - Phelipe Cardoso Sekai
Curated By

Phelipe Cardoso Sekai

  • India

  • Arts & Culture

  • Group Travel

  • Off-the-Beaten-Path Travel

  • Architecture

  • Sightseeing

  • Spiritual

Yellow rickshaw on the road of Jodhpur, India.
Curator’s statement

This guide is designed to help you navigate India with ease and confidence, ensuring that your first encounter is as enriching and memorable as possible. Whether you're marveling at the architectural wonder of the Taj Mahal, wandering through the colorful markets of Jaipur, or seeking spiritual solace along the banks of the Ganges, these 40 essential tips will prepare you for the journey ahead.

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Things to do in India

A woman in traditional clothing dancing in the hallway.

Embarking on a trip to India is not just a journey through a geographical landscape, but also a voyage into the depths of its cultural heart and soul.

It's an experience that promises to challenge, charm, and change you. With careful preparation and an open mind, you're about to discover the beauty and complexity of India, a country that defies expectations and transcends imaginations. So pack your bags, bring your sense of adventure, and let's embark on this incredible journey together. Welcome to India in 40 tips for first time visiters:

1. Visa Preparation
Secure your visa well in advance of your departure. India's e-Visa process is streamlined for tourists from many countries, allowing for a hassle-free application online. Ensure your passport has at least six months' validity from the date of your arrival in India.

2. Health Precautions
Consult a travel health clinic at least four to six weeks before your trip. Vaccinations for Hepatitis A and Typhoid are commonly recommended, and depending on your itinerary, you may need others. Always carry a hand sanitizer and avoid drinking tap water to prevent common travel-related illnesses.

3. Understand the Geography
India's vastness means diverse climates and cultures across regions. Research your destinations to pack appropriately and plan your travels. Northern India can be cool during winter, while the south remains tropical. Monsoon season varies across regions but generally falls between June and September.

4. Cultural Sensitivity
India is deeply traditional. Learn the basic customs, such as removing shoes before entering someone's home or a temple. Greetings with "Namaste" and a slight bow are appreciated.

5. Plan Your Itinerary Wisely
India's diversity means you could spend years exploring. For a first trip, focus on one or two regions. The Golden Triangle (Delhi, Agra, Jaipur) is popular for first-timers, but also consider venturing into the countryside or exploring the coastal areas.

6. Stay Connected
Upon arrival, purchase a local E-SIM for your unlocked phone to stay connected affordably. This is invaluable for navigation, booking cabs, and emergencies. Many providers offer tourist packages with generous data allowances.

7. Embrace Indian Railways
Traveling by train is quintessentially Indian and connects major cities with remote villages. Bookings open 120 days in advance and can fill up quickly. Consider the higher classes for long journeys for comfort and security. The IRCTC website and app are your go-to for schedules and bookings.

8. Safety First
Be vigilant in crowded places to guard against pickpockets. Scams targeting tourists are not uncommon, so be wary of unsolicited help or too-good-to-be-true offers. Use reputable taxi companies and always agree on fares before starting any journey in auto-rickshaws or taxis.

9. Culinary Journey
Indian cuisine varies dramatically from region to region. Street food is a highlight but choose vendors wisely—look for high turnover and fresh ingredients. Experiment with local specialties and vegetarian dishes; India offers some of the world’s best vegetarian food.

10. Stay Hydrated
Stick to bottled water and avoid ice unless you're sure it's made from filtered water. In many places, you can find water filtration stations to refill your bottles, which is a more eco-friendly option.

11. Respect Religious Customs
India is a spiritual land with diverse religions coexisting. When visiting places of worship, dress modestly, cover your head if required, and remove your shoes. Silence your phone and speak softly out of respect for worshippers.

12. Bargain Wisely
Bargaining is part of the shopping experience in markets but do it respectfully. Start at about 50% of the asking price and work your way up. However, recognize when a price is fair, especially for handcrafted items, to respect the artisan's work.

13. Early Mornings
Many of India's cities and towns are enchantingly beautiful at dawn. It's cooler, less crowded, and you can see places like the Taj Mahal in a different light—literally and figuratively. Early mornings also offer a peek into local life, from morning prayers to bustling markets.

14. Learn a Few Hindi Phrases
English is widely spoken, but knowing some Hindi phrases can enrich your interactions. Basics like "Namaste" (hello), "Dhanyavaad" (thank you), and "Kitna hua?" (How much is it?) can go a long way.

15. Manage Your Expectations
India is a land of contrasts. Alongside breathtaking beauty, you may encounter poverty and pollution. Prepare mentally for these aspects and approach every experience with an open heart and mind.

16. Photography Etiquette
Always ask permission before photographing people, especially in rural areas. Some places, especially religious sites, may prohibit photography entirely or charge a fee.

17. Stay Flexible
India can be unpredictable. Trains run late, plans change, and what you find may not match the guidebook. Embrace flexibility and maintain a sense of humor. Often the most memorable experiences come from the unexpected.

18. Use Trusted Guides
For historical sites, consider hiring a guide to enrich your understanding of the place. However, make sure they are certified or come recommended by trusted sources.

19. Pack a First-Aid Kit
Include remedies for common travel ailments like Delhi belly, dehydration sachets, and any personal medications. Pharmacies are widespread, but having basics on hand is convenient.

20. Eco-Friendly Travel
India faces significant environmental challenges. Minimize your footprint by refusing single-use plastics, using water refill stations, and choosing eco-friendly accommodations and tours.

21. Respect Wildlife and Environment
India's diverse ecosystems are home to unique wildlife, including tigers, elephants, and rhinos. When visiting national parks or reserves, prioritize responsible tourism operators that respect wildlife and natural habitats. Avoid attractions that exploit animals for entertainment, such as elephant rides or photo ops with tigers.

22. Understand Local Customs and Traditions
India's rich tapestry of cultures means that customs can vary greatly between regions. Familiarize yourself with local traditions, especially when visiting smaller villages or participating in festivals. Showing respect for local norms, such as traditional dress codes or dining etiquette, can significantly enhance your interactions with locals.

23. Stay Informed About Local Festivals
India's calendar is packed with colorful festivals. While they offer incredible experiences, they can also affect travel plans due to crowded transportation and busy accommodations. Plan accordingly if you wish to participate or avoid the rush.

24. Navigate the Cities with Caution
India's urban centers are bustling and can be overwhelming. Pay attention to your surroundings, especially in crowded markets or during festivals. Keep valuables secure and out of sight, and consider using a money belt.

25. Enjoy the Diversity of Indian Accommodations
From luxury palaces and heritage hotels to homestays and budget guesthouses, India offers a range of accommodations. Experiment with different types to experience the breadth of Indian hospitality. Homestays, in particular, offer a unique opportunity to connect with local families and cultures.

26. Practice Mindful Photography
India is incredibly photogenic, from its people to its landscapes. However, be mindful and respectful, especially when taking photos in slums or of people in distress. Use your camera to capture beauty and share stories respectfully.

27. Be Prepared for Noise
India's bustling streets, especially in cities, can be noisy. From honking horns to loud conversations, it's part of the country's charm and chaos. Earplugs can be a lifesaver for sensitive travelers, especially at night.

28. Keep an Open Mind to Spiritual Experiences
Regardless of your beliefs, India's spiritual depth can be moving. Visit temples, mosques, and shrines with an open heart. Participate in ceremonies or meditation sessions if you're comfortable. Respectful curiosity can lead to profound experiences.

29. Tipping Practices
Tipping is appreciated but not mandatory. In restaurants, 10% is customary if a service charge isn't included. For small services, like photo opportunities or personal guides, a small tip is a kind gesture.

30. Use Trusted Transportation Apps
Ride-sharing apps like Ola and Uber offer a safe and convenient way to navigate cities. They eliminate language barriers and fare negotiations. For auto-rickshaws or taxis not booked through an app, insist on using the meter or agree on a fare in advance.

31. Be Cautious with Personal Space
India can be crowded, and concepts of personal space differ from those in the West. Be prepared for close quarters in public places and transport. Standing in line (queuing) might also be less orderly than you're used to.

32. Learn to Enjoy Indian Time
Schedules in India are often fluid. Delays are common, and things may not happen as quickly as you'd like. Patience is not just a virtue; it's a necessity. Embrace the slower pace as part of the experience.

33. Explore Off the Beaten Path
While iconic sights like the Taj Mahal are unmissable, India's real charm often lies in its lesser-known spots. Venture into rural areas, explore small towns, or visit lesser-known monuments to discover a side of India many travelers miss.

34. Guard Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Mosquitoes can carry diseases like dengue fever and malaria. Use insect repellent liberally, sleep under mosquito nets if needed, and wear long sleeves and pants during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

35. Stay Alert to Scams
Be wary of common scams targeting tourists, such as fake gem sales, inflated prices, and unauthorized tour guides. Research common scams in areas you'll be visiting and always trust your instincts.

36. Embrace the Indian Head Wobble
The Indian head wobble can mean "yes," "thank you," or "I understand." It's an endearing part of Indian non-verbal communication. Don't be afraid to give it a try; it can be a fun way to connect with locals.

37. Prepare for Varied Internet Quality
While many areas in India have excellent internet service, others can be spotty, especially in remote regions. Download maps, translation apps, and travel guides for offline use to ensure you're always prepared.

38. Experience Indian Weddings
If you're invited to an Indian wedding, don't miss it. They're lavish, colorful, and an incredible cultural experience. Just remember to dress appropriately and follow any specific cultural guidelines.

39. Understand the Currency
Familiarize yourself with Indian rupees and keep small denominations handy for tips and small purchases. Be cautious when handling currency to avoid counterfeit notes, which can be an issue.

40. Reflect and Respect
India can be as challenging as it is beautiful. Take time to reflect on your experiences and show respect for the country's complexities. Your journey through India will be one of personal growth, filled with memories that will last a lifetime.

With these tips in hand, your first trip to India will not only be smoother but will open doors to the depth and diversity of Indian culture, landscape, and traditions. Welcome to India, a journey that promises to change you in ways you never anticipated.

Advisor - Phelipe Cardoso Sekai

Travel Advisor

Phelipe Cardoso Sekai

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This guide is part of our ongoing series on travel to India.