Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kirsten Cohick

Kirsten Cohick


Fora - Logo


  • Italy,
  • Ireland,
  • Family Travel,
  • Arts & Culture

Based in

Harrisburg, PA

Profile details


Passionate about travel, history, different cultures and learning new things. I'm a planner by nature and by trade.

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Travel style

I love uncovering the stories behind the place - the history, the people, the culture and the food. While I love hitting the pavement (or cobblestones!) and finding hidden gems. I also love a relaxing beach, a nice spa or a good aperitivo!

I love going on adventures with my husband and kids - we've been to Ireland, Italy, Paris, NYC, Florida and Pittsburgh! I truly believe the world is the best classroom!

Favorite hotels

Kirsten's travel photos

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Advisor - Kirsten Cohick

Travel Advisor

Kirsten Cohick