Travel Advisor

Advisor - Keshîa Rubie

Keshîa Rubie


  • Caribbean,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Luxury Travel

Based in

The 6

Languages spoken

Jamaican Patois and English

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Hi, I'm Keshia, a seasoned travel advisor passionate about the Caribbean and boutique destinations. I curate personalized journeys that embody luxury and cultural immersion. With extensive expertise in the nuances of Caribbean hideaways and exclusive boutique accommodations, I craft tailored experiences for discerning travelers seeking unique adventures. My in-depth knowledge extends beyond picturesque landscapes to encompass the region's rich cultural tapestry and hidden gems, ensuring each itinerary reflects authenticity and luxury.

Beyond travel, I am a self-proclaimed Jamaican culinary aficionado! My intimate knowledge of Jamaica's culinary landscape makes me a proper culinary authority, guiding travelers to savor the island's delectable flavors, from savory dishes to unique island pastries. Drawing from my extensive travels and local connections, I craft personalized itineraries that reveal the hidden gems of the Caribbean and cater to the desires of adventurous explorers and gastronomy enthusiasts alike. My commitment to showcasing the beauty and flavors of the Caribbean ensures unforgettable, authentic and luxurious travel experiences.

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Travel style

My travels often include a culinary odyssey set in intimacy and luxury. I have a hectic home life and my trips are slow, so I can savor every moment.

Favorite hotels

Get in touch with Keshîa

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Advisor - Keshîa Rubie

Travel Advisor

Keshîa Rubie