Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kelsie Holt

Kelsie Holt


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  • San Diego,
  • California,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Outdoors & Nature,
  • Group Travel

Based in

San Diego, California

Profile details


A Midwesterner with a heart for hospitality, currently living in San Diego, CA and exploring my new state. Often found at the beach, trying the latest restaurants in SD or hanging out with my husband and our three cats.

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Travel style

With my background in tourism management, events and group bookings, I love building a carefully planned itinerary. I’ll make sure you catch all of the top spots and hidden gems, starting with a cup of coffee from a local cafe to fuel the day. Though I thrive on a packed schedule, my expertise lies in creating a balance between relaxation and adventure. I look forward to helping you plan a well-rounded trip!

Kelsie 's travel guides & trip reports

Favorite hotels

Kelsie 's travel photos

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Travel advisor posing in a beach side photo in front of Turtle Bay, Oahu.
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Kelsie 's reviews

Kelsie went above and beyond to help us in our hotel selection. After going to multiple hotels she scoped out the best one for our wants and needs for our stay in San Diego. She recommended fantastic things to do and food to eat to make our first time there a truly special experience. Kelsie is super organized and great to work with! Would highly recommend her as your next travel agent!

Get in touch with Kelsie

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Kelsie within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Kelsie Holt

Travel Advisor

Kelsie Holt