Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kaylee Novich

Kaylee Novich



  • Boutique travel,
  • PNW,
  • Luxury travel,
  • Adventure,
  • Solo Travel

Based in

Wenatchee, WA

Profile details


Small-town gal with wanderlust who’s always ready for an adventure.

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Travel style

Leaning into different lifestyles and cultures has become a passion. I enjoy finding local hidden gems and love a good cafe. A good trip consists of adventure, food, and a nice place to wind down with a glass of wine. It’s important as a solo traveler that I find a good balance of budget-friendly options and utilizing partner points to create an incredible trip without breaking the bank or missing out on experiences.

Favorite hotels

Kaylee 's travel photos

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Cycle at the beach
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Get in touch with Kaylee

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You can normally expect a response from Kaylee within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Kaylee Novich

Travel Advisor

Kaylee Novich