Travel Advisor

Advisor - Jordan Joyce

Jordan Joyce


  • Europe,
  • Mexico,
  • Asia,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • Off-the-Beaten Path Travel

Based in

Redondo Beach, CA

Profile details


A travel junkie who recently fed my addiction by spending 18 months traversing 6 continents to visit 31 countries around the world. Especially passionate about finding adventure, eating delicious food and maximizing my points redemptions to make it all happen!

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Travel style

I am motivated to explore all of the far reaches of the world. I don't discriminate between a luxury beach vacation or an adventurous backpacking trip. Some of my favorite travel experiences have happened on a motorbike or 70 feet underwater with a tank on my back. I tend to enjoy slow travel, which means spending more than a month in a country to really get to know the people and culture. To me, travel isn't about checking a place off a list, but about making connections, getting outside of my comfort zone and broadening my understanding of the world. I often use points to have luxurious experiences on budget-friendly trips. No matter the style of travel, there's always one thing you'll find me blowing any budget for: great food.

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Jordan's reviews

Jordan did a great job in helping book for my wife and I. She had very clear communication and was quick to respond to anything we asked. She took into account everything we said we wanted. We had a fantastic vacation!

Get in touch with Jordan

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Advisor - Jordan Joyce

Travel Advisor

Jordan Joyce