Travel Advisor

Advisor - George Gibb

George Gibb


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  • United Kingdom,
  • Europe,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Boutique Travel

Based in

Los Angeles

Profile details


Travel-obsessed Scot who finds any excuse to hop on a plane. Based in Los Angeles, I have a passion for European culture.

Travel style

I believe that every journey is a unique experience. There's no one-size-fits-all. You'll find me visiting the classic cultural highlights, but I'm even more excited to seek out authentic and quirky experiences off the beaten track. I love experiencing a location as the locals do, blending cultural immersion and personal indulgence. Boutique hotels are my go-to, and I love savoring diverse food, from local street food to the newest gourmet hotspot in town. I'm a passionate traveler with a taste for authenticity, and I'm ready to obsess over the details of your next trip!

George 's travel guides & trip reports

Favorite hotels

Get in touch with George

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You can normally expect a response from George within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - George Gibb

Travel Advisor

George Gibb