Travel Advisor

Advisor - Elissa Baum

Elissa Baum


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  • United States,
  • Mexico,
  • Europe,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Family Travel

Based in

New York City

Profile details


I'm a NYC-based publicist and highly experienced traveler who finds immense joy in exploring new places, hotels and restaurants. I lived in Tel Aviv for 6 months and through personal adventures and extensive research, I have vast knowledge about some of the best places in the world, what to do, eat, and see there, and how to efficiently travel to and from. I was a travel advisor before officially becoming a travel advisor - always providing recommendations, tips and tricks to my friends and family for their trips near and far. I'm driven by curating itineraries and selecting hotels that resonate with my client's personal interests and preferences.

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Travel style

Ultra luxury hotels and experiences in dream destinations excite me just as much as a great deal on a last-minute weekend getaway. From my 4+ years of experience in the travel and wine industry, I have insider knowledge of the latest and greatest in hospitality. I'm an avid seeker of the world's best culinary experiences, whether that be in the form of a street food snack or Michelin star meal.

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Advisor - Elissa Baum

Travel Advisor

Elissa Baum