Travel Advisor

Advisor - Cathy Feaster

Cathy Feaster



  • New England,
  • Greece,
  • Ireland,
  • Outerbanks,
  • Asheville,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Outdoors & Nature

Based in

North Carolina

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Passionate about planning your adventures so you can relax. Travel nurse exploring the U.S. and beyond, experiencing all the cultures of the world.

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Travel style

I love a hodgepodge vacation: a good mix of adventure and chill time. I get sucked into the history and culture of every place I visit. I like to find the non-tourist places. You can usually find me climbing a mountain, trying an activity I've never done, finishing with a sit by the pool/ocean, a good book and a tropical cocktail.

Favorite hotels

Cathy 's travel photos

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Travel advisor posing in woods
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Get in touch with Cathy

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You can normally expect a response from Cathy within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Cathy Feaster

Travel Advisor

Cathy Feaster