Travel Advisor

Advisor - Arun Sastry

Arun Sastry


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  • West Africa,
  • United Kingdom,
  • Family Travel,
  • Boutique Travel

Based in

Palo Alto, California

Languages spoken

English, Hindi, Kannada, French, Spanish

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


A traveler who believes that a travel spot should leave the traveler with more questions after the trip than before, so it stimulates curiosity!

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Travel style

When planning travel, I believe in doing my own homework rather than going with conventional wisdom about the destination, obviously keeping in mind – and assessing – about the risks. For example, when I told my friends I was going to Rwanda, everyone thought I was crazy going to a country that was going through "genocide", not knowing that that event happened 30 years ago! The fact of the matter is that Rwanda is not only safe, but a very tourist-friendly country that offers a lot, including visits to the mountain gorillas!

Having said that, I am a sucker for luxury, so I do like to stay in comfortable accommodations, preferably boutique hotels (more character), and eat at fine dining spots (where available), keeping budget in mind.

I think outside the box when it comes to travel – this is how you get to experience you otherwise would not get to enjoy!

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Advisor - Arun Sastry

Travel Advisor

Arun Sastry