Travel Advisor

Advisor - Anya Liebman

Anya Liebman



  • Nigeria,
  • Israel,
  • Couples Travel,
  • Solo Travel

Based in

New York City, NY

Languages spoken

French, Pidgin

Profile details


A serious case of wanderlust. World wide traveler with a love of culture and instagram-worthy views!

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Travel style

I'm a lover of any new culture with a great mix of sight seeing. You'll find me immersed in any cultural activity or museum, trying the local cuisines and capping off the day with relaxing by the best view I can find. I'm anywhere on the spectrum between glamping and complete luxury. I'm happy to hear what makes travel fulfilling for YOU and finding the best locations and activities to make it all you dream of, and more!

Favorite hotels

Anya 's travel photos

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You can normally expect a response from Anya within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Anya Liebman

Travel Advisor

Anya Liebman