Travel Advisor

Advisor - Allison Olivieri

Allison Olivieri



  • New England,
  • Italy,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Food & Wine

Based in

New England, Italy

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


A New England based travel-holic, who loves to get away and explore new cities and their culinary offerings.

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Travel style

"Adventurous gourmet explorer" I enjoy solo and small group travel, exploring new countries and savoring local cuisines and wines, all while being budget-conscious without compromising quality. I enjoy exploring local markets and street food vendors to sample authentic dishes and flavors unique to each destination, while also mixing in high end dining experiences. I am mindful of my travel expenses, I'm willing to spend on worthwhile experiences that enhance my trip. I seek value and quality, rather than cutting corners. I have a strong desire to discover and explore new places. This involves visiting diverse countries with unique cultures, landscapes and histories, seeking out off-the-beaten-path locations and being open to new experiences.

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Advisor - Allison Olivieri

Travel Advisor

Allison Olivieri