Travel Advisor

Advisor - Susan Casteel

Susan Casteel


  • United States,
  • Cruise,
  • Europe,
  • City Travel,
  • Adventure Travel

Based in


Profile details


Born in California, but lived in interesting places around the world since I am from a military family. When I am not traveling, I spend my free time researching trips.

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Travel style

Enjoy making plans but go-with-the-flow when I arrive. Curious about the world and have an appetite for beautiful locations, local food and exploring. A great trip has a balance of fun, comfort and new experiences while creating lifelong memories. By booking with me, you will gain access to exclusive experiences and insider knowledge ensuring your trip is enriching and extraordinary.

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Susan 's travel photos

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in restaurant infront of a building
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You can normally expect a response from Susan within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Susan Casteel

Travel Advisor

Susan Casteel