Travel Advisor

Advisor - Stephanie Hanson

Stephanie Hanson



  • Arts & Culture,
  • Group Travel

Based in

Los Angeles, CA

Profile details


I'm an LA-based music industry professional with a deep passion for curating experiences. Traveling is at the core of my being and I love helping others structure their experiences to what they desire.

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Travel style

I like to try it all! I've slept in vans nationwide, flown on private jets to stunning remote resorts, traveled Europe and have done African safaris – I want to experience it all!

Favorite hotels

Get in touch with Stephanie

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Stephanie within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Stephanie Hanson

Travel Advisor

Stephanie Hanson