Travel Advisor

Advisor - Peggy Salano

Peggy Salano


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  • Latin America,
  • Mexico,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Black Travel

Based in

New Jersey

Profile details


I am that Girl!!! Trustworthy, resourceful, absolutely committed to you having the best experience possible. The World is at our feet. In my fabulous Arnold Schwarzenegger voice...You will be back!

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Travel style

I am in a unique position at this mature stage in my life the world of travel is opening up to me and I am so excited. I have had many experiences, but the world at large is my new frontier. I will explore many of these places for the first time and bring that new and fresh experience to you along with the experts at Fora with their vast travel knowledge, which will be the supporting foundation that will allow me to offer to you the most exciting travel possibilities, so don't let my newness scare you I am just getting started.

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Get in touch with Peggy

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You can normally expect a response from Peggy within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Peggy Salano

Travel Advisor

Peggy Salano