Travel Advisor

Advisor - Paige May

Paige May


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  • Europe,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Luxury Travel

Based in

Dallas, PA

Profile details


Passionate traveler who loves to explore new places, experience different cultures, appreciate nature and create unforgettable memories.

Travel style

I suggest to stay in one place for at least three days. That way, you don't have to keep packing and unpacking. You can visit several major attractions, while also leaving time to wander, eat and drink, take an excursion and experience each destination to the fullest. I love luxury boutique hotels with all of the amenities, located in great neighborhoods, close to top sights and access to transit.

Favorite hotels

Get in touch with Paige

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Paige within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Paige May

Travel Advisor

Paige May