Travel Advisor

Advisor - Nickell Melo

Nickell Melo



  • California,
  • London,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • Family Travel

Based in

Silicon Valley

Languages spoken

English some Portuguese

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


California-based explorer, uncovering small towns, boutique, and historical hotels worldwide. Crafting memorable journeys with exquisite food and wine, tailored to your taste.

Travel style

My travel style blends exploration of charming small towns and cities with a backdrop of eclectic charm, boutique hotels, villas, ranches, retreats, interesting landmarks and an array of good food and wine. I craft unique journeys, ensuring memorable encounters with exquisite food and wines tailored to individual tastes. Booking with me means an exclusive, personalized adventure, uncovering hidden gems and creating lasting travel memories.

Favorite hotels

Get in touch with Nickell

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Advisor - Nickell Melo

Travel Advisor

Nickell Melo