Travel Advisor

Advisor - Mia Rivas

Mia Rivas


  • World Wide,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Family Travel

Based in

Tampa, FL

Languages spoken

English & Spanish

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


A flight attendant who travels way too often for her own sense of excitement! A wanderlust, for sure! I'm a citizen of the world!

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Travel style

I love a luxury/boutique stay. You can usually find me laying out on the beach or pool soaking up the sun rays. Throw in some sight-seeing, walking and museums. Big foodie who enjoys trying all the cultural dishes. I'm very passionate about engaging with the locals and learning about their culture and beliefs.

Let me focus on planning your vacation so you can focus on packing and having FUN!

Favorite hotels

Mia 's travel photos

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Advisor - Mia Rivas

Travel Advisor

Mia Rivas