Travel Advisor

Advisor - Meagan Stokes

Meagan Stokes


Fora - Logo


  • Texas,
  • Las Vegas,
  • London,
  • Seoul,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Group Travel

Based in

Austin, Texas

Languages spoken


Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


I’m a born and raised Texan living in the Live Music Capital of the World. When I’m not exploring a new country, you’ll find me enjoying a frozen margarita on a patio or jamming out at a concert.

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Travel style

I’m a brave solo traveler who will never turn down an adventure! I’ve visited 13 countries on five continents. I’ve revisited many cities like London, which feel like a home away from home. When I travel, I enjoy connecting with the locals and learning about the history, culture and food. I usually have a loose itinerary because part of the fun is stumbling upon the unexpected!

Favorite hotels

Meagan's travel photos

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Advisor posing on a walkway over water with flower boxes on a sunny day.
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Get in touch with Meagan

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You can normally expect a response from Meagan within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Meagan Stokes

Travel Advisor

Meagan Stokes