Travel Advisor

Advisor - Madeline Pipkin

Madeline Pipkin


  • Italy,
  • Texas,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • City Travel

Based in

The Live Music Capital of the World - Austin, Texas

Profile details


Based in Austin, Texas! You can find me drinking a large iced coffee, creating another wish-list trip and convincing all of my friends to join me.

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Travel style

I'm passionate about seeing the world and gaining new experiences. I love exploring bustling cities and meeting new people. I also enjoy slowing down at a luxury resort or in a quiet mountain town. I put in a lot of time and effort when planning my trips, and I love finding unique excursions. I'm a foodie at heart, so I'm always seeking out restaurants with a great vibe and even better food.

Favorite hotels

Madeline's travel photos

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Posing by The Colosseum
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Advisor - Madeline Pipkin

Travel Advisor

Madeline Pipkin