Travel Advisor

Advisor - LeeAnn Berlin

LeeAnn Berlin


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  • Michigan,
  • Florida,
  • Disney World,
  • Family Travel,
  • Cruises

Based in

Fraser, Michigan

Profile details


I'm a full time EMT with a passion to travel. Disney World is my daughters and my happy place.

Travel style

You can usually find me researching different places to travel. I have cousins in Germany that can help get the best rates and travel itineraries. I have been on multiple cruises in the Caribbean and Disney World. I have a passion for traveling on a budget. I research different hotels and cruises to be able to get the best price along with perks if possible.

Favorite hotels

LeeAnn 's travel photos

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Chocolate Ice curls
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Get in touch with LeeAnn

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You can normally expect a response from LeeAnn within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - LeeAnn Berlin

Travel Advisor

LeeAnn Berlin