Travel Advisor

Advisor - Laura Birbrower

Laura Birbrower



  • Paris,
  • New York City,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Beaches

Based in

Sao Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


An ex-NY'er relocated to an Island in the middle of the Atlantic to spend more time doing what I love...finding travel deals.

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Travel style

I love it all! An off-the-beaten-path adventure during the day and coming back to a bath in a luxe hotel at night. You can usually find me exploring the next secluded, pristine beach or foodie destination. I was able to travel the world while producing Fashion Shows for 20 years, so I understand the importance of being taken care of when you are away from home, that comfortable bed after a long work day, the familiar details of that hotel you come back to five times a year. And after months of traveling for work, finding that perfect holiday to re-energize is priceless, whether on the beach, a wellness retreat or that bucket list adventure trek. Wherever I or my clients travel, I love to embrace the culture of the destination through food, music, excursions and relationships.

Favorite hotels

Laura's travel photos

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Sunset view of Parthenon
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Get in touch with Laura

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You can normally expect a response from Laura within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Laura Birbrower

Travel Advisor

Laura Birbrower